General Assistance
General Assistance is a monthly grant program that provides short-term financial aid for those applicants that meet certain eligibility requirements. In order to qualify for assistance, the applicant must be a township resident, their current available non-exempt income must fall within the income guidelines. The applicant must also be a single adult without children and actively seeking employment. The applicant must have applied and been found ineligible for all other State or Federal benefits, and they must be willing to work and/or willing to participate in a job search or job fair.

Emergency Assistance
Emergency Assistance is a needs-based program based on income and family size. Qualified applicants may receive assistance with rent, utilities, non-narcotic prescription medications, and food vouchers. Emergency Assistance may only be granted once in a twelve-month period.

Economic Development Fund
The Economic Development Fund provides loans to Flagg Township businesses to help in financing economic development projects.

Provider Partner Funding
Funds are awarded annually to qualified 501(c)3 organizations that service the needs of individuals residing in Flagg Township.

The Township helps financially support The Flagg Center Cemetery.