Susan Messer
Office Hours: Mon-Fri (8:30 am – 12:00 pm)
Phone: (815)562-7360
Fax: (815)562-9625
Email: supervisor@flaggtownship.org
The township supervisor serves as the chief executive officer of the township. The supervisor’s duties and responsibilities include serving as chairman of the township board of trustees, supervisor of the general assistance program, and treasurer of all town funds, including general assistance, cemetery funds, water system funds, and road and bridge funds.
Upon taking office, the township supervisor must post a surety bond equal to the maximum amount of the funds in the custody at any given time. If the supervisor posts a personal bond, it must be double the amount provided by a surety company.
Generally speaking, other chief executive government officers may vote only to break a tie. In this regard, the supervisor serves as a trustee and may make or second motions, participate in all legislative discussions, and exercise voting power on all issues before the board.
The supervisor maintains sole jurisdiction over the general assistance office and may employ necessary workers without prior approval of the township board of trustees. In administering the township general assistance programs, the supervisor adheres to standards approved by the Illinois Department of Human Services.